Black people beating their kids is as normal as us breathing air, we don't know wether it's right or wrong, nor do we care, you do something wrong, you getting your ass whooped for it,,,,,,this is a trend that is beginning to change and it is so relevant in today's society that good ass whoopins have not been dolled out for the past 15 to 20 years,,,,,,I have 4 brothers and 1 sister and growing up if 1 did something and nobody fessed up, we all got our ass whipped,,,,,teaches you how to be a snitch, also teaches you how to not take the pain for someone's else's bullshit, you don't lie, cuss or steal, you don't disrespect your elders or your teachers,,,,,you didn't walk around like somebody owed your little ass shit for your existence on this earth,,,,,these are things I firmly believe you beat into a child,,,,,now don't get it twisted I don't mean beat your kid to within an inch of it's life,,,,but every once in awhile tighten they ass up,,,,,your black, we are losing control and your kids will be thankful to you for it later,,,,,I speak from a child who got their ass whooped, also as a mother who whoops ass,,,,,,,my kids are teens now and I haven't had to beat them in about 4-5 years and I dont have any sex, drugs or jail going on in my house,,,,just good clean teens, who are smart in school, smart in them streets and know their place in life.
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